Blogs and Stories

Which basement bars have the best happy hours?  Who are the people behind your favorite restaurant?  Do you know the two Argentine friends who met in Park City and opened a bakery?  How about the brewer who started his career as an ICU nurse?   

Park City, Summit County and the Wasatch Back are full of incredible people working every day to make our community better. Our regularly posted Chamber blogs introduce you to what makes our community surprising, fun, and as astounding as the amazing people running our local businesses. 

Placemakers: Bill Coleman

When Bill Coleman and his wife Karen moved to Park City in 1972, the sidewalks were still wooden. The streetlamps had blue mercury vapor lights, there was trash in vacant lots, and the locals made a…

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Placemakers: Sally Elliot

Sally Cousins Elliott has lived a life of adventures. Some came from being a military wife of 19 years. Some from growing up in Muskogee Oklahoma, the Indian Capital of the world; she said where the…

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